Monday, April 22, 2013

#100 - Seattle Marathon

DATE: November 28, 2010
LOCATION: Seattle, Washington

It was the final day of the first ever Seattle Qadzilla.  It was also my much anticipated 100 marathon/ultra.  For months I had been planning this milestone.  It meant I had to pass on some marathons, so the schedule would work out.

Being the four day in a row of running marathons, I was in unchartered territory.  I had run a number of triples, but never had I run a quadzilla.

Saturday I had a great marathon at Ghost of Seattle.  I ran an unexpected 3:31:46.  I had no real time goal for this one.  My goal was to have fun and enjoy it.

When I picked up my packet at the Expo on Saturday, they gave me bib #100.  I had requested it months earlier, but had never heard back. I later found out it was a first come first serve biases.  Yolanda Holder was completing her 100th marathon of the year at Seattle.  I was told she also asked for bib #100.  I got it because I requested it sooner.

I arrived at the starting area of the marathon, pretty early.  The Seattle Marathon is always a lot of fun because of all the friendly faces I get to see of other Maniacs.

Many of us Maniacs met at the gear check to socialize.  A few minutes prior to the marathon I walked down to the start line.  Everyone gathered together in the corral.  The PA announcer was making a few announcements.  One was a shout out to me.  They said "Steve Walters is running his 100th marathon today".  That was very cool to hear.

I started the marathon off running pretty fast.  I felt great and was willing to push a bit and see what I had in me.  I jumped ahead of the 3:30 pace group.  I felt like I was in a good spot.  I figured if they passed me that would still be fine.

I hit the half way point and was still humming along really good.  I just kept pushing and felt great.  The weather was perfect.  It was cool (40s-50s) and mostly sunny.  It felt great.

Coming down the stretch I pushed hard knowing I had a 3:30 marathon in the bank.  Upon crossing the finish line I was so happy to have run a good race.  It was my fastest of the Quadzilla and my fastest marathon on the Seattle course.

I grabbed my finishers medal and my Seattle Quadzilla medal and picked up my gear and hung out for a long while.

It was neat to see Yolanda after finish finished.  Since I was unemployed, I didn't have a job to go to on Monday, so I spent the night in Seattle.

That evening I went to church at Mars Hill Ballard and drove home on Monday morning.  It was a great way to cap off a great weekend!