Saturday, September 18, 2010

#29 - Portland Marathon 2007

DATE: Sunday, October 7, 2007
LOCATION: Portland, Oregon

After my double in August I did a bunch of shorter races (like 10k’s). I knew early on I was going to do the Portland Marathon. I had a lot of fun in 2006 with my mom and sister. This time I talked my friend Tim Lawson into doing the Portland Marathon with me. My aunt (who does a lot of walking) came to Portland and as a birthday present my mom paid for her to walk the Portland Marathon with her. My sister Julie agreed to walk it with them. We picked up our packets in downtown Portland on Saturday, and were already to go for Sunday morning. We arrived early as is necessary for a race this size. Tim and I got in line for the race and we ran into a friend of his (and soon mine). Tim had been running with the Portland Running Company during the week and introduced me to Jon Dotson. At that point I didn’t think much about it. When the race started Tim and I ran with each other for 17 miles. At that point we got to the St John’s bridge and I ran ahead as Tim was starting to slow down. I felt really good towards the end of the run and the weather was perfect. I finished and waited for Tim and the rest of my family (who were walking). Because I have to wait a few hours for them to finish, it gave us a chance to talk with a lot of other Maniacs in the finish area. Once my mom, sister and aunt finished we left. My mom and aunt both swore off doing another marathon again, it’s just too long for them. We then had dinner at Portland City Grill before my aunt left to back to California. I then joined Tim on the Portland Running Company group runs that week. I got to know Jon Dotson very well and we have been friends every since.

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