Monday, October 11, 2010

#52 - Fund Run for Breast Cancer 50k 2008

DATE: Saturday, July 5, 2008
LOCATION: Lake Youngs Watershed, Renton, Washington

Tony Covarrubias (a fellow Maniac) had been asked by other Maniacs to
organize a marathon or ultra. It seems that he was interested in doing so, so he posed the question online, and everyone seemed to like the idea of doing it on July 5th, in between the Foot Traffic Flat Marathon and the Rattlesnake Lake Marathon. This provided the chance to do a triple. One of his family members was trying to raise money for a breast cancer walk, so he decided to call it the "Fund Run" and asked each runner to donate $20 towards her breast cancer fundraiser.

So I wanted to do something a little special, so I talked with Tony Phillippi and the other Main Maniacs, about allowing me permission to create a pink Marathon Maniacs singlet. They gave me permission (BTW, the Marathon Maniacs name and logo are registered trademarks), so I went to Target and got a pink singlet and bought some iron on transfers and printed the logo and ironed them on to the singlet.

I drove up to Seattle with my mom, aunt and grandma (they wanted to visit friends in Seattle). The race was taking place at Lake Youngs Watershed, where Pigtails does her January 50k. This means I was familiar with the course, it's a 9.6 mile loop three times with a short out-and-back.

It was very cool and there was a little rain in the forecast. When I arrived at the race, it was raining and I was ready run. There weren't that many runners there and most were doing the triple. I started out running good decided to hold off my pace and not start too fast. I ended up running a very fast time for a trail 50k. I ended up running a 4:42:48, which ended up being my second fastest 50k time. My family picked me up and we went back to the hotel where I prepared for the final leg of the triple.

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