Thursday, October 14, 2010

#55 - Crescent Forest Marathon 2008

DATE: July 19, 2008
LOCATION: Gig Harbor, Washington

This was race number 6 of the 13 I needed to get my seven star Maniac rank. It was a race hosted by Bill Barmore (fellow Maniac) down the street from his house. It was a trail marathon made up ofJustify Full four loops each about 6.5 miles long.

I drove up on Friday night and spent the night in my car before arriving in Gig Harbor about 45 minutes before the start of the race. It was great to see so many Maniacs. We started the race about 8am and the weather was perfect. I don't remember a ton about the race itself. But I do remember running pretty even splits and remember really enjoying the trail. I ran this same course a few months later as part of the Turkey Triple.

I finished in 3:55, which was pretty good for being a rail marathon. I finished 7th of 38 runners, and enjoyed some post race food at Bill's house before heading home.

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