Tuesday, August 31, 2010
#11 - Crater Lake Marathon 2010

Monday, August 30, 2010
#10 - Mt Hood PCT 50k 2006
Sunday, August 29, 2010
#9 - Foot Traffic Flat Marathon 2006

Saturday, August 28, 2010
#8 - Pacific Crest Marathon 2006

Friday, August 27, 2010
#7 - Capitol City Marathon 2006
LOCATION: Olympia, Washington

Thursday, August 26, 2010
#6 - Pacific Shoreline Marathon 2006

My aunt suggested that I do the Pacific Shoreline Marathon in Huntington Beach, California. It’s not too far from where they live, plus being the 10th anniversary of the race they were giving everyone a free MP3 player. I flew down to California and my cousin met me and we went to the expo. My aunt was suppose to take me around, but my grandpa needed her help, so my cousin was my ride around, She ended up doing the half marathon. I remember thinking that since I shaved 25 minutes off my time at Seattle, I could shave 15 minutes of my time and qualify or Boston. How naive I was! It wasn’t quite that easy. I started out running way too fast and hot the “wall” at mile 20. But I still managed to finish with a time of 3:38. I flew back later that day (which was Super Bowl Sunday). It was a good learning process.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
#5 - Seattle Marathon 2005
LOCATION: Seattle, Washington

Tuesday, August 24, 2010
#4 - Lake Tahoe Marathon 2005
Monday, August 23, 2010
#3 - Mt Hood PCT 50k 2005
Sunday, August 22, 2010
#2 - Foot Traffic Flat Marathon 2005

Saturday, August 21, 2010
#1 - Pacific Crest Marathon 2005

LOCATION: Sunriver, Oregon
It was my first. I had trained for about 6 months. I had no real fear of completing it, a few weeks before I ran 26 miles on my own. I chose Pacific Crest in Sunriver for no specific reason. It looked like a nice place. My mom received a free week long rental at a house in Sunriver so we planned the trip. The weather was awesome, it was sunny and warm, but the trees around Sunriver made it nice and cool. I remember being nervous at the start, and got off to a good start. I had no specific time goal, I just wanted to finish. The whole race I remember thinking to myself that I was doing it. Upon crossing the finish line I saw my family taking pictures and cheering me on. I was so filled with joy and was looking forward to doing it again. My time was 3:51, which was good enough for first place in my age group.