Monday, August 30, 2010

#10 - Mt Hood PCT 50k 2006

DATE: Saturday, July 29, 2006
LOCATION: Clackamas Ranger Station, Mt Hood, Oregon

Okay to be honest I don't remember a ton about this race. I do remember that the week leading up to it, I found out about the Marathon Maniacs. I remember seeing the singlets at some of the races, but never thought much of it. But I checked out the web site and thought it looked like a cool group. I discovered that I had already qualified (I ran my first two marathons in 9 days). Anyway, I remember on the drive to Mt Hood thinking that I wanted to join the club. This time I went camping the night before the race with my mom and dad. The race went really well. I ran a 50k PR of 4:59:31, which is really good for a trail race in which there are a lot of rocks and roots. I ran a pretty consistent place, I only really slowed down down after mile 22. The last six miles seemed to go on forever, which is after the last aid station. Upon getting home from this race, I signed up for the Marathon Maniacs on August 3rd.

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