Sunday, August 29, 2010

#9 - Foot Traffic Flat Marathon 2006

DATE: July 4, 2006
LOCATION: Sauvie Island, Portland, Oregon

This race has a reputation for being a very hot one, and some years it is. But it's flat and that is why many people like to do it. In 2006, it was very cool and overcast, making way for ideal conditions for running a marathon. I had run Pacific Crest 10 days earlier and was all recovered from my cold. I thought to myself, I'll just go out there and enjoy the race. I ran a pretty good first half. I crossed through the half way point in 1:43:37. I remember think that I would just keep going as long as I could, and slow down at that point. In the last few miles, I was running even stronger and managed to kick it up a notch at the end. It was in the back of my head that I might be able to PR if I would hold onto the speed. I ended up crossing the finish line in 3:25:17, which gave me a PR by almost a minutes! I was so thrilled! I finished 15th out of about 71 runners, and won my age group. I got a cookie basket as a reward, which is weird because I've done that race five times, and that is the only year, they have even given anything out as a reward. A good time!

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