Sunday, August 15, 2010

Welcome to the Count Down!!!

As may of you know I will be running my 100th marathon (or ultra) on Sunday November 28th in Seattle, Washington. As I prepare for this big milestone, I can't help, but think back to all the marathons I've already run. As a way to document my achievement, I started this blog. Each day, starting August 21st, I will look back at one race a day for 100 days leading to my big race on November 28th. I'm not much of a writer, so forgive me if I made grammar errors. Each post will be kept pretty short (between 150-300 words). I'm doing this as a way for others to see what I've done, and for others to get a feel for what any given race is like. But it's also a way for me to remember what I've done and what it was like. So I hope you enjoy the look back!

- Steve "Marathon Freak" Walters (Marathon Maniac #338)

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