Tuesday, August 31, 2010

#11 - Crater Lake Marathon 2010

Date: Saturday, August 12, 2006
Location: Crater Lake National Park, Oregon

So after running the Mt hood PCt 50k, I joined the Maniacs. I was really excited to join the great club. At that time there we only 337 Maniacs, so i was assigned number 338. I had planned to run the Crater Lake Marathon because I thought it would be fun, plus I had never been to Crater Lake before. I traveled to Crater Lake with my mom and sister. We camped at the campground at Crater Lake, unlike most campgrounds it was first come first serve, so I was glad we got there on Thursday because the campground filled up that evening. The race was on Saturday, so we had Friday as a day to checkout the park. Friday morning we got up early and got tickets to take the boat tour of the lake. It was awesome! I highly recommend it, they take you on a boat all around the lake, and even drop you off at Wizard Island. I views from the boat is something you just don't get otherwise. I met a guy named Eddie Hahn (who I found out was a Maniac), he was going to run a marathon the day after Crater Lake in Bend. I had heard about this double, but knew I wasn't ready for a double. But I knew there would be a lot of Maniacs there, so I did the half marathon in Bend. The Crater Lake Marathon is very challenging. The whole race is either up or down, there are little to no flat parts of the run. The final two miles maybe the hardest. I was quite surprised when I managed to run a 3:53;41. The next day in Bend I ran the Haulin Aspen Half Marathon and had a lot of fun.

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