Friday, November 12, 2010

#84 - Tacoma City Marathon 2010

DATE: May 2, 2010
LOCATION: Tacoma, Washington

In 2007, Tim Lawson and myself went to Yakima to run in the Maniac reunion race. This year, I heard the reunion was going to be in Tacoma. I had never run the Tacoma Marathon and felt it would be a fun race to do. Plus the Maniacs offered a discount on Facebook earlier in the year for the first 10 people that used a special promo code. I jumped at the chance and got in for only $45.

They announced that they were having a special gathering for the Maniacs the day before. So I left Portland Saturday morning in order to get up their for the meeting. It was a lot of fun to see and meet so many Maniacs that I hadn't met before.

I spent the night in my car, and headed to the starting area before the race. I enjoyed seeing so many Maniacs before the race, and seeing so many runners wearing the Maniac gear. The weather was perfect, it was dry and mostly cloudy and not too cold.

I had no real goal, I thought a 3:30 marathon would be great, but I was happy with a 3:40 or 3:45 time as well. When the race started I started with the 3:30 group, I figured I could start with my faster goal and if I slowed down to the 3:40 or 3:45 group that would be fine.

The course was hilly, but I didn't worry too much about that I just ran. In the first half I felt great and was pushing and ended up running a very speedy 1:40 first half. When I got to that point, I was on pace for a 3:20. I didn't expect to keep that up, but I figured if all went well I could run a 3:30 without too much trouble.

In the second half I continued to push the pace, I wanted to run a strong race. I knew the last two or three miles were all downhill so I just needed to get to that point. I still felt pretty good and kept going strong. Towards the end of the race, I knew 3:30 was in the bag and realized I was very close to running a 3:25. As I approached the finish line, I kicked it up and finished in 3:24:56. I was so happy to have run such a fast time.

After the race, I hung out for a while and chatted with the other Maniacs. I ended up getting third in my age group and the post race pizza was awesome.

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