Monday, November 15, 2010

#87 - Pacific Crest Marathon 2010

DATE: Saturday, June 26, 2010
LOCATION: Sunriver, Oregon

Pacific Crest was my first marathon in 2005. I have run a race at this event every year. In 2008, it was my 50th marathon and while I had three years of good events, that year was a nightmare. The weather was hot and I got heat sickness in the second half. In 2008, after recovering from a sciatic pain I opted to run the half. This time it was back to the marathon.

I had just got done with a three day, 338 mile bike trip down the Washington Coast. I wasn't looking for a fast time, I just wanted a good experience, It was warm and I was a little concerned.

At the start line, I met up with my friend Jon, and we were both hoping the heat would not be an issue. The race is two half marathon loops around Sunriver. The first half is usually pretty good, but the second loop is when it gets hot and hard.

In that first loop I felt pretty good. I got off to a fast start, I was running between 7:30 and 7:45 miles for the first three miles. Then I started to slow to about the 8:00-8:45 range. That was a range I would end up setting in for a while. At the half way point, I had a time of 1:47. And while that is not super fast, it didn't seem too bad. But I knew the second half would be a lot slower.

Going into the second loop, I was really worried about the heat and the sun. I was hoping it wouldn't be a repeat of 2008. My second half was pretty consistent, but slow. I ran most of my miles in that second half in the 9:00 pace range. My worst miles was the last few (23-26 miles), I had to stop and walk at times. I ended up running the second half in 2:00. This gave me a time of 3:47. I was pretty happy with the time, but I'm sure hoping next year will be better.

My friend Jon, ran a 3:30 and got third in his age group. Our family ended up staying for another day or so. On Sunday, I walked the 5k with my 86 year old Grandma. Overall a fun time.

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