DATE: Saturday, June 5, 2010
LOCATION: Newport, Oregon
This was my PR in 2008, and at the time I ran the course with a GPS and my watch said it was 25.75 miles. I just kind of went with it, and didn't worry too much about it. Last year it was remeasured and they found the course was short. So they remapped it. Marc Frommer (a few Maniac) doesn't count Newport before last year toward his PR. It's still a fast course and I was hoping to run a good race.

My mom and I drove to Newport on Friday night. We got there early enough for me to get my packet at the host hotel. We then drove to Beverly Beach (about 7 miles away). I reserved a yurt to stay in there. This is much cheaper than a hotel and more comfortable then a tent. We had dinner and went to bed.
We woke up early on Saturday morning. She dropped me off at the start line at about 6am. When I arrived the other runners hadn't got there quite yet. The start and Finish are about a mile and a half apart, so buses take runners from the finish to the start. Since my mom dropped me off I had arrived before the buses did.
Once the buses came I was able to meet up with Marc Frommer along with dozens of other Maniacs (many from out of state). This was the first race in which people identified me as the Maniac newsletter guy. It was fun to meet some people that I had seen in so many photos.
The race started at 7am. Once we started I was going at a fast pace. In the first four miles, I ran a 28:45 or a 7:11 pace. The first four miles are in town and at the end of that four miles is a downhill drop from there you go out along the river and is pretty flat. I felt goo, but knew at that point I wasn't going to PR. I decided to shoot for a 3:20-3:30 time.
At the half marathon point, I had run 1:38:08, this was on pace for a 3:16. I knew that might have been a bit too fast for the first half. I knew a 3:16 was not going to happen. I kept pushing at when I got to the turn around (mile 15), I was still running around 7:45-8:00 miles.
On the turn around, I got a second wind as I saw all the runners behind me. That is one of the reasons I like races with out and backs, you get to see all the slower Maniacs that you don't normally see. I continued to run in the 7:45-8:00 range of mile until about mile 23. Once I got to mile 22 I started to slow down. I was pushing hard because I was on line for about a 3:20 marathon. In the last four miles, I lost some time, I slowed to about a 8:20-8:30 miles. I passed Marc Frommer in the last few miles, he apparently was having some cramping issues. I finished in 3:23:33, which I was very happy with given that it was my second straight sub 3:30 marathon.
After the race I hung about for a while as I was able to meet Maniacs that came in from California, Tennessee, Washington, Texas and other states. That evening Marc organized a Maniac dinner at a local restaurant. It was a fun a time and the weather was perfect!
LOCATION: Newport, Oregon
This was my PR in 2008, and at the time I ran the course with a GPS and my watch said it was 25.75 miles. I just kind of went with it, and didn't worry too much about it. Last year it was remeasured and they found the course was short. So they remapped it. Marc Frommer (a few Maniac) doesn't count Newport before last year toward his PR. It's still a fast course and I was hoping to run a good race.

My mom and I drove to Newport on Friday night. We got there early enough for me to get my packet at the host hotel. We then drove to Beverly Beach (about 7 miles away). I reserved a yurt to stay in there. This is much cheaper than a hotel and more comfortable then a tent. We had dinner and went to bed.
We woke up early on Saturday morning. She dropped me off at the start line at about 6am. When I arrived the other runners hadn't got there quite yet. The start and Finish are about a mile and a half apart, so buses take runners from the finish to the start. Since my mom dropped me off I had arrived before the buses did.
Once the buses came I was able to meet up with Marc Frommer along with dozens of other Maniacs (many from out of state). This was the first race in which people identified me as the Maniac newsletter guy. It was fun to meet some people that I had seen in so many photos.
The race started at 7am. Once we started I was going at a fast pace. In the first four miles, I ran a 28:45 or a 7:11 pace. The first four miles are in town and at the end of that four miles is a downhill drop from there you go out along the river and is pretty flat. I felt goo, but knew at that point I wasn't going to PR. I decided to shoot for a 3:20-3:30 time.
At the half marathon point, I had run 1:38:08, this was on pace for a 3:16. I knew that might have been a bit too fast for the first half. I knew a 3:16 was not going to happen. I kept pushing at when I got to the turn around (mile 15), I was still running around 7:45-8:00 miles.
On the turn around, I got a second wind as I saw all the runners behind me. That is one of the reasons I like races with out and backs, you get to see all the slower Maniacs that you don't normally see. I continued to run in the 7:45-8:00 range of mile until about mile 23. Once I got to mile 22 I started to slow down. I was pushing hard because I was on line for about a 3:20 marathon. In the last four miles, I lost some time, I slowed to about a 8:20-8:30 miles. I passed Marc Frommer in the last few miles, he apparently was having some cramping issues. I finished in 3:23:33, which I was very happy with given that it was my second straight sub 3:30 marathon.
After the race I hung about for a while as I was able to meet Maniacs that came in from California, Tennessee, Washington, Texas and other states. That evening Marc organized a Maniac dinner at a local restaurant. It was a fun a time and the weather was perfect!
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