Sunday, November 21, 2010

#93 - Skagit Flats Marathon 2010

DATE: September 12, 2010
LOCATION: Burlington, Washington

I originally was not going to run this marathon. I had planned to run the Grande Ass Marathon, but Michelle and Eric Barnes decided not to put on the race this year, so I decided to run Sakgit Flats in order to keep my monthly marathon streak alive. My friend Jon Dotson joined the Maniacs in July decided to join me.

I did a 10k on Saturday morning and drove up in the afternoon. Jon’s brother-in-law lives in Bellevue which is where we spent the night. We woke up early on Sunday morning and left Bellevue about 6am. It was an 1:15 drive to Burlington. It was raining the whole way up and we were both getting prepared for the worst.

We got our packets and waited a little while for the start. Once the race started it was lightly raining, but didn’t feel horrible. I was running quite fast (7:30-8:00 miles) and felt pretty good. The route is an out-and-back and at the half way point I ran a 1:42, which I was happy with.

In the second half of the race, the wind picked up. It was already pretty cold for that time of the year (55 degrees), but with the wind and the rain, it made for a very challenging second half. I continued to run strong until about miles 19-20, at that point I slowed to about an 8:30-9:00 miles. The finished with a 1:53 second half, and a finish time of 3:35. I was happy to have a sub-3:40, and with better conditions, I could have run much faster. My friend Jon had some cramping issues and ended up running a 3:37.

I hung out for a little while taking pictures of Maniacs and chatting, then I headed home.

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